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The Sighthound Social
Terms and Conditions

In order to start a new daycare plan or continue your current plan you must be aware of how we work, and how we care for your hound.


You must have registered. 

You must have filled out your registration paperwork which includes your dog's routine, feeding instructions, medications, and proof of vaccinations. 


You must have attended a meet and greet.

We will invite you along to meet you and your dog. You can see the space and we can get a feel for how your dog may fit in. 

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You must have completed a trial day, free of charge.

We will invite your dog for a trial in the space and assess them and how they mix with the other hounds.

Conditions relating to Boarding and Daycare.


1. We are unable to accept bookings for a dog subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or any other dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs and/or people. We understand Sighthounds can be reactive towards other dogs and our experience in fostering means we have the techniques to work with these dogs. Please be honest with us when filling out your application. We will not turn away a reactive dog and can work with them if you tell us. If you fail to tell us that your dog is reactive to other dogs we reserve the right to cancel or terminate your booking immediately.  


2. You will present the dog for boarding or day care in a clean and groomed condition and with up to date vaccinations, de-flea and anti-worming treatments. This should include Kennel Cough. We reserve the right to turn away any dog in an unsuitable condition for home based care. You MUST bring your dog's proof of vaccinations on every visit for us to verify and file.


Dogs will have annual vaccinations that protect them against:

  • Parvovirus

  • Hepatitis

  • Leptospirosis

  • Distemper


Some of these require a booster once a year, others give immunity for three years. You’ll need to double-check with your vet when their booster is due as they need to be up to date and fully vaccinated at least two weeks before they come to Ancroft Hounds.


The Kennel Cough vaccine

The Kennel Cough vaccine isn’t routinely given to dogs, so needs to be given before their visit. Kennel Cough usually comes from Bordetella Bronchiseptica and Canine Parainfluenza, both of which cause sneezing, coughing, and chest issues.


3. You agree that if in extreme cases your dog is found to be destructive, aggressive, agitated, stressed, completely unmanageable in the home or highly anti-social, Ancroft Hounds may refuse to board your dog for the remainder of the stay. We will have no option but to contact you or your emergency contact. Your emergency contact will be expected to provide alternative care or arrangements will be made to kennel your dog at your cost. Every effort will be made to avoid such an event by you providing an honest account of your dog's traits and by having the open and frank discussion at the initial meet and greet.


4. You agree that if your dog attacks, or is involved in a fight with, another dog (and/or person) causing injury to that dog (and /or person), you will be responsible for any losses incurred as a result including, but not limited to, payment of veterinary fees in respect of injuries to another animal caused by your dog. We recommend (but do not insist) that your dog be insured against sickness, accident, or injury and for third party liability prior to boarding.


5. Your dog must not be known to chew, scratch or destroy furniture or house fittings under normal circumstances. Should your dog’s behaviour become uncontrollable, destructive or unreasonable, you accept that he/she could be placed in a dog boarding kennel at your own expense until your return and will be subject to a £20.00 transfer charge. Any damages caused by your dog to our home or possessions other than reasonable wear and tear, and the occasional "accident", will be paid for by you directly to Ancroft Hounds on your return.


6. You agree to supply all necessary dog food and treats for the duration of the stay. If additional food or treats are required you agree, upon presentation of a receipt, to reimburse Ancroft Hounds in full within 7 days.


7. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact you in the event of an emergency. However, Ancroft Hounds reserves the right to make decisions regarding your dog’s health provided it is at all times acting in the best interests of the dog and on the advice of a veterinary surgeon. If your dog becomes unwell, has an accident or injures himself/herself or seems to be in any type of pain, we might need to take him/her to a veterinary surgeon and you agree to be responsible for payment of all the veterinary fees incurred. 


8. You undertake to make full disclosure of any quality or characteristic which might make your dog not suitable for home boarding, including, but not limited to, behavioural or health problems, anti-social behaviour including aggression, incontinence/lack of house-training or excessive loud barking/whining. Failure on your part to disclose any matter which might render the dog unsuitable for home boarding will be deemed a material omission amounting to a fundamental breach of this agreement. You will also be liable for additional costs if Ancroft Hounds experiences difficulties due to failure to disclose in the booking form any matter that would be accepted as reasonably unsuitable for home boarding.


Additional conditions relating to Daycare.


On a day to day basis the following conditions apply to the provision of daycare for your hound. 


1. Cancellation by us. Ancroft Hounds reserves the right to cancel your booking at short notice if we think we are unable to provide a safe and stimulating environment for your hound (this may include incompatibility with boarding hounds). If you have prepaid for your booking we will refund you the cost of the session within three working days. 


2. Cancellation by you. If you cancel your booking at short notice (less than 24 hours) and have prepaid for your booking, the fee is non refundable. 


3. Emergencies. You or your emergency contacts will be available to remove your hound from our home at short notice if for any reason an emergency situation arises. This includes but is not limited to, an accident in the home, an injury to your dog, your dog falling ill, or a personal emergency that requires us to close immediately. 


4. Marking / Scenting. Hounds get excited on arrival and sometimes they have an accident or a scent. We understand this, it's normal behaviour and we have taken precautions to protect fragile items. We also have the correct cleaning solutions which are safe for your hound. However if this becomes excessive we reserve the right to charge a deep clean fee of £45. Excessive is defined as more than the occasional accident. 


5. Drop off and Pick Up. We usually operate a kerb side drop off and collection. We do this because we like to manage the introduction of your hound into the space, especially when there are other hounds on-site. If for any reason you are concerned about the space we have for your hound, or would like assurance that the space is still suitable for your hound, you can request to pickup your hound from our home personally, and pay us a visit. We do not offer this service for drop off.  



Our Promise to you.


1. Ancroft Hounds shall practice with integrity, responsibility, trustworthiness and shall recognise their responsibility to their clients, clients’ pets, clients’ property, and society in general.


2. The welfare of clients’ dogs shall be paramount and shall not be made subordinate to commercial considerations.


3. Ancroft Hounds shall maintain professional relationships with their clients and shall not exploit such relationships for improper personal, professional or financial gain, nor seek inappropriately to impose their own values on clients. Ancroft Hounds shall not disclose any personal or private information about their clients.


4. Ancroft Hounds will not leave dogs unattended except for short periods only (2-3 hours) or as agreed with owners. In the case of an emergency an allocated key holder will have access. A CCTV system, temperature monitoring and door sensors are in operation at all times.


5. Ancroft Hounds will provide clean, dry, warm, draught-free bedding space; an area for dogs to relieve themselves; food, fresh water, exercise to owner's requirements and maintain the guest dogs normal routine as much as is possible.


6. Ancroft Hounds must ensure dogs are walked according to owner’s instructions at all times.  We will only allow off lead play in the secure garden, or in a secure run free dog field. We will ensure proper control at all times and dispose of excrement safely and responsibly.


7. Ancroft Hounds may occasionally transport dogs under their care locally or in cases of emergency e.g. to visit a run free field, park or go to a veterinary surgeon. Implied permission is given by the owner on completion of the booking form, unless stated otherwise.


8. Ancroft Hounds must keep safe the provided records of all current dogs under their care for immediate reference i.e. contact details, feeding, exercise and veterinary details in case of emergency.


9. Ancroft Hounds must abide by all current Health and Safety legislation.


10. Ancroft Hounds must abide by all National and Local Laws and Bylaws.







Terms and Conditions. Please read carefully.

The Sighthound Social

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Call or Text on 07822 002664

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